Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wing-nut lies and hypocrisies

Wing-nut lies and hypocrisies:

Bachus (r-Alabama) says there are 17 socialists in Congress
Now, even if he only knew what a Socialist was, it still wouldn't be of any concern.

Boehner (r-Ohio) and other repugicans offer 'really crazy' MIT tax lie
Got me - this is so far out in looney-land that even light doesn't go that far.

Chambliss (pervert-Georgia): Spending isn't stimulus unless it's defense spending
Yeah, but it is his 'defense spending on upcoming sex crimes cases' he is talking about.

Cole (r-Oklahoma) derides Obama defense budget increase as a "cut" that will endanger the country
Got to be a 'new math' thing ... last time I checked an 'increase' meant to add something to something and a 'cut' meant to take something away from something.

Obama administration is 'anti-religious,' says Gingrich (you only thought he retired r-Georgia)
Oh, and he is one to talk? One who denounced all but 'southern baptists' as nonreligious a few years back.

Hoekstra (r-Michigan) introduces Constitutional amendment to protect parents' right to "administer reasonable spankings to their children"
No problem with a parent 'spanking' an unruly child - I've even offered my belt upon occasion. However what is being pushed here isn't 'reasonable spankings' but wholesale legitimacy for child abuse by those who beat their kids.

Inhofe (r-Oklahoma) lies that increased defense budget 'disarms America' and 'cuts funding for our troops in the field'
Here again, it has to be that 'new math'!

Perino: 'Where is the proof' that the shrub 'alienated' people around the world?
The question really is, 'Where ISN'T the proof that the shrub alienated people around the world?'

Santorum (ousted pervert r-Pennsylvania) says Obama has 'deep-seated antipathy toward American values'
This is too rich! From a diaper wearing, dog loving (and that is really dog loving) pervert!

Repugican chair-wimp Steele laughs off the recession: 'The malls are just as packed on Saturday' as they were before
Hasn't been to many Malls lately, I see.

Steele continues repugican mantra of lies about ACORN
That 'nut' won't grow no matter how much 'fertilizer' the wing-nuts pile on it.

Evangelical Warren lies on TV about his support for Prop 8
How many links do you need Warren, to what you actually said in supporting Prop 8?

Wells Fargo turned a profit so the banking crisis is over, says TIME columnist
Hell, I turned a profit, too so the economic crisis is most definitely over - and Lush Dimbulb is correct in every thing he spews as well - oh, for the love of Pete.

'Experts' who supported disastrous wing-nut policies remain go-to pundits for mainstream media
And the wing-nuts keep up with the lie that there is a Liberal Bias in the media?!

Washington Post's Will quotes non-existent "Arctic Climate Research Center"
This is nothing new. Will has been pulling things out of his ass for years.

CNBC's Kneale mocks Warren's TARP oversight, tells her to stop 'breathing down the necks of the banks'
Actually, she should be chopping more heads off at the neck ... and she will be.

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