Thursday, April 9, 2009

World Cup In Charlotte?

The U.S. Bid Committee for the World Cup named Charlotte’s Bank of America Stadium as a possible site if the soccer event comes to America.

The United States is vying for the World Cup in 2018 or 2022 and must showcase possible venues to host games.

Of course, America would have to get the tournament before Charlotte could be considered as a possible venue, but the committee is currently trying to get an idea of which cities would be interested.

“We’ll tell them a lot more in the weeks to come, but this early stage, what we’ve done is ask them to indicate their basic level of interest of hosting the World Cup,” U.S. Soccer President Sunil Gulati said.

Restaurants have seen the impact the World Cup has made, filling up with fans hoping to grab a glimpse of their team.

Youth soccer is another sign of the sport’s popularity in the region. The Charlotte Regional Sports Commission said the impact the tournament could make on the area is tremendous.

But there are things to consider before jumping in.

“You have to look at scheduling, financial commitments, the fan base and what kind of tickets you expect to sell,” Bill McMillan, of the Charlotte Regional Sports Commission, said.

The Mayor’s Office said it has been notified of the committee’s intentions and it is exploring the idea of becoming a bid city.

April 17 is the deadline for venues to notify the bid committee.

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