Friday, May 22, 2009

And I Quote

Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration; think he's compensating for something?
Now, I wouldn't pick on him for any of this stuff, not his blubbiness, not his man-boobs, not his inability to have a natural erection - none of that stuff - to me, off limits until! until! - Mr. Limbaugh, you turn that sort of gun on somebody else - once you start doing that, you're fair game, fat boy.
Absolutely, you jiggly pile of mess.
You're just fair game, and you're
going to get it, too.
You'd better watch what you say, Limbaugh, because it can come back the other way.

~ Ron Reagan Jr
(Too, bad his daddy was a repugican - at least the son and daughter have brains)

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