Thursday, May 28, 2009

Court Says Suspects Can Be Interrogated Without Lawyer

Whoa! Say What?!

Court Says Suspects Can Be Interrogated Without Lawyer

The high (they must've been high when they mad this 'decision') court, in a 5-4 ruling, overturned the 1986 Michigan v. Jackson ruling, which said police may not initiate questioning of a defendant who has a lawyer or has asked for one unless the attorney is present.

The Michigan ruling applied even to defendants who agree to talk to the authorities without their lawyers.

The court's wing-nuts overturned that opinion Tuesday, with the anal retentive moron Antonin Scalia saying "it was poorly reasoned, has created no significant reliance interests and is ultimately unworkable."

The anally fixated Scalia, who read the this egregious judicial error from the bench, said their decision will have a "minimal" effects on criminal defendants.
"Because of the protections created by this court in Miranda and related cases, there is little if any chance that a defendant will be badgered into waiving his right to have counsel present during interrogation."

Come Again?

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