Monday, May 4, 2009

Dimbulb Spews

Dimbulb Spews:

Dimbulb casts Obama as "attack number two ... follow-up to 9/11"
The traitor spews ...

To replace Souter, Dimbulb says Obama is looking for "a teenage single mother who's gay, is a lesbian, who's dirt poor, African-American, and disabled", or a radical who is a minority, or "somebody like Ward Churchill", or "an illegal alien"
Considering the wastes of DNA that are already on the court even a piece of driftwood would raise the intelligence level of the court as well as increase its understanding of the law and the Constitution.

Dimbulb lies that Obama will release Guantanamo prisoners "in Montana or wherever else"
Pulling things out of his ass again and no I don't mean some little boy this time.

Dimbulb says Obama "is weakening this nation's ability to defend itself"
Not the America I live in, he isn't.

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