Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dinosaurs 'survived in a remote 'lost world' for half a million years before extinction'

Jeff Goldblum, Richard Schiff and Vince Vaughn are shown in a scene from the new film 'The Lost World Jurassic Park': Dinosaurs survived in a remote 'lost world' for half a million years before final extinction, claim scientists
The discovery brings Hollywood's 'Lost World' Steven Spielberg's sequel to Jurassic Park a step closer to reality

New evidence suggests an "isolated community" escaped annihilation and lived on a rocky, desert plateau in North America.

Until now, palaeontologists widely believed the creatures were wiped out 65 million years ago when an asteroid collided with Earth.

But now experts say a "pocket" of dinosaurs survived and roamed a remote area of what is now New Mexico and Colorado.

Read the rest here.

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