Monday, May 4, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Faux's Brick lies that under DHS report, "a teabag person is kind of a threat possibly to the United States"
They are but it wasn't in the report.

Faux's Brick defends wanting to pull out fingernails and peel skin off with a cheese grater
As long as it is him getting his fingernails pulled out and his skin peeled off with a cheese grater I think most people would have a problem with it either - even those opposed to torture in any form ... like being forced to listen to his lunacy.

In General
Faux News continues to hallucinate about a socialist/fascist menace — and it's causing real damage
Dropping too much Acid will do that.

Faux News' unhinged, irrational Obama attacks stir up violent wing-nut militants
That is exactly what they are trying to do.

Faux's Handjob denies Texas secession threat he once touted
He speaks with forked tongue as usual.

Faux's Handjob says Obama will nominate somebody extremely radical" for Supreme Court, since Obama's policies have been "radically left" and "socialist"
Since when?

In General
Faux's Henneberg repeats wing-nut myth that hate crimes bill could gag ministers
Wrong, but most need gagging in the first place.

Faux's Miller suggests Obama wants to waterboard tea-baggers
Since they're used to wet things in their mouths ... oh, wait that's the 'real' teabaggers - he's meaning those nutcases ...

Faux's Napolitano peddles paranoia about "swine flu," Obama's health care plan
And we are surprised how?

Faux's O'Really says New York Times and MSNBC execs, Soros, ACLU's Romero are "America-haters"
Coming from a true America Hater that means they are in reality America Lovers.

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