Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day include:

Faux's Swill O'Really wants cops to provide special hassles for blacks and Hispanics
Like that isn't Standard Operating Procedure as it is.

Faux's Brick claims struggling states are in danger of "losing their sovereignty" because federal gov't will "nationalize" them
My, my, my, La-La Land is getting loopier and loopier, isn't it?

Faux's Handjob defies "the phony science of global warming"
Well, a phony does not recognize the real thing, so this isn't news, now is it?

Dimbulb claims Obama "made the case for killing babies born alive and giving legal protection to the doctors that did it"
Only in Lush's fetid fantasies, only in his feted, putrid fantasies.

Dimbulb: "Were I a terrorist, I would have been prompted to give Obama's speech a standing ovation today"
Oh, but Lush you ARE a TERRORIST so we're waiting for the standing ovation! Hurry up, Chop, Chop!

Disney's Savage says "all of these people at MSNBC" would have "worked for Hitler putting Jews into the death camp"
Damned, Nazi still trying to deflect attention off the fact he is a Nazi!

Disney's Savage future: "Your guns are seized, your free speech is gone, your children are in the hands of the perverts"
Nope, that was the past eight years, you know, the shrub error.

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