Sunday, May 31, 2009

Policeman Fights Paramedics With Patient In Ambulance

Here's how our friends down under view this 'incident' (and I dare say so does most of the world - hold the same opinion as well that is).

brown shirts Policeman Fights Paramedics With Patient In AmbulanceIN America, they give the idiots - the really dangerous idiots - a gun and a brown shirt. Yeah just like the Nazis.

Oklahoma’s Tulsa World newspaper reports on a fight between a brown-shirted highway patrol officer, who has pulled over an ambulance that was racing a patient to hospital, and the paramedic.

The ambulance did not have a siren on. The copper did.

Having issued a “failure to yield” citation to the ambulance driver, the man in the brown shirt was further upset when he believed one of the paramedics flipped him the finger.

The brown shirt then insists one of the paramedics wait in his car. He then tries to handcuff the paramedic, which results in a fight.

The patient’s husband films it all. And then the man in the brown shirt lets the ambulance go.

And the really amazing thing is - get this - the coppers never shot the man in the face nor tasered him in the neck and heart. How’s that for restraint!


One thing to point out - there is no legal standing for the police to issue a 'failure to yield' citation to an ambulance driver even if the police have their lights on. There is however a law that makes what the police did criminal because they 'hindered an emergency medical worker in the performance of his duties'.

All vehicles must yeild to emergency vehicles even other emergency vehicles - but there is a hiearchy to the yielding and the police are at the bottom of that hiearchy and therefore must yield to other emergency vehicles - especially ambulances.

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