Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wing-Nut Yammer and Flap-Doodle

The wing-nuts keep on a'yammering and a'flap-doodlin':

(He's a LOSER) Keyes denounces Obama as "the focal point of evil"
Speaking from the focal point with a forked tongue I see.

Wing-nuts repeat inane claim that CO2 can't be a pollutant because "we breathe" it
Actually, we exhale it we do not inhale it, at least that is how Ma Nature had it set up until we mucked it up.

Gingrich critiques Pelosi on ethics?
Damn, the comedians are getting funnier and funnier these days.

Gingrich is even lying when he's joking
This is true.

Reid ('D'-Nevada) says prisoners can't be transferred to another prison without first being released
He doesn't know how the penal systems works too well now does he?

repugican stool Steele cites Whitman as proof repugicans are a 'Big Tent' party (she quit the GOP in 2003)
Easy to be confused when your world view ended in 1859.

repugican Steele says Obama plans to ban guns and free speech
He says a lot of things and none of them have any relevance or make any sense - or are even true for that matter.

Steele: The media didn't vet Obama — because he's black
Nope, they were too enamored with Sarah's bra size - luckily real Americans were not.

RNC: Constitution was right to count blacks as 3/5ths a man and allow slavery
This from the 'party' that claimed as one of its founding platform planks the abolition of slavery (so they could replace it with an even more heinous form of servitude - 16 hour days for a penny a day wages ... until the labor unions busted up their rackets)

New RNC scare ad revives LBJ's "Daisy" theme of nuclear annihilation
Like I said their world view ended in 1859.

WorldNetDaily seeks donations for "a national billboard campaign with the simple message: 'Where's the birth certificate?'"
Idiots never learn.

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