Monday, May 18, 2009

Wing Nuts

More wing-nuts

repugicans give up on changing its image, seeks to change Democrats' image instead, 'cause that'll work, right?
This comedy routine gets better and better ...

Glenn Brick: 'Gay marriage will make the universe collapse'
I think the laws of physics preclude such an event happening in reality in his warped delusional world, who knows and more importantly who cares.

Actress Morgan Brittany goes on Handjob's show to say: “I believe in the interrogation methods of Jack Bauer”
Hello, Space Camp, I think we found your lost cadet.

Dimbulb suggests CO2 can't be bad for the environment because "we exhale CO2"
In his case it is pure Methane - which is worse for the environment from both an immediate noxiousness to a long term eroding of the ozone.

Faux's O'Really says gay marriage could lead to goat, duck, dolphin, and turtle marriage
How to we know they don't already have marriage in those species? Oh, he means humans marrying goats, ducks, etc., well - so far I can only think of one repugican you proudly boasts of his 'marriage' to his mule on the farm as a kid.

Atheists are 'not fully human', says Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor
This from an automaton. Yeah, like we'll be listening to him.

Price (reject-Georgia) claims, that offshore drilling would create 36 million jobs
This is so stupid no comment really is necessary.

Sessions (reptile-Alabama) says Guantanamo detainees are lucky because they get ‘tropical breezes’
Fine, then you go there and stay a while.

Stossel says we should eat endangered species if we want to save them
This one takes the booby prize for nuttiest, fruitcake of the week.

Colson: First Amendment rights of Christians are now "now under brutal attack" from the gays
Wrong, but they should be!

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