Monday, June 15, 2009

Alternate Versus Actual Reality

Or in other words the wingnut world versus the Real World ...

The folks over at Think Progress had this to say about the fantasy world of the wingnuts:
The impressive accomplishment of Fox News is its creation of "an alternate reality" for right-wing viewers, says arch-right columnist Charles Krauthammer. Where Americans used to understand certain basic facts while disagreeing about policy, Fox News has ripped apart the underpinning of facts, so that now right-wingers can dispute the facts behind every issue, and any presentation of evidence is derided as leftist propaganda, which of course makes any reasonable discussion of policy impossible.
It's somewhere between sorry and sad to see Krauthammer describe so clearly what Fox News has done to America, but describe it not as a problem but as something he appreciates and admires. I'm not sure that America faces any problem that's bigger, and I'm increasingly convinced that we're sunk as a nation so long as liars and loons are allowed to dominate the political discourse.

Spot on analysis. "Alternate Reality" is correct - they have no concept of Actual Reality.

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