Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assorted Wing-Nuttery

Assorted Wing-Nuttery

Dick Morris thinks convincing the Japanese to develop nuclear weapons is the solution to dealing with North Korea
Oh, like that is a great idea!

Swill O'Really again claims that if gay marriage was legalized, "you could have married a duck"
Well, since he's brought it up again - if he really wants to marry a duck I dare say most of us won't have a problem with it ... it would explain an awful lot though.

RedState's Erick Erickson compares lush Dimbulb to Jesus Christ
Whatever Erick has been smoking must be some really GOOD SHIT for him to come up with this bullshit.

Hysterically funny repugican video uses Abe Lincoln to attack Barack Obama
Only problem is they think it's serious - not funny ... how stupid of them. Then again, that is normal for them isn't it?

Wing-nuts claim Sonia Sotomayor is Harriet Miers.
Oh, Please! Now, I have a headache!

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