Monday, June 1, 2009

Cheney on gay marriage: 'Freedom for everyone'

I agree with something the Dick said!
The world is most assuredly turned upside down!

Dick Cheney said Monday he supports gays being able to marry but believes states, not the federal government, should make the decision.

Cheney makes candid comments on gay marriage

While I agree with the idea that gays should be allowed to marry - like the comedians have said ... they have the right to be miserable too and marriage has always been 'the same sex' anyway - I am none too sure of the Dick's motives.
That said, his support of 'same-sex' marriage - if genuine - is his only redeeming feature and it is sure to blow up a hell of a dust storm among the troglodyte faithful because it has already stirred up a healthy wind of skepticism among the rest of us.

All government should be out of the 'marriage' business in the first place ... state and federal. What would be the best solution to this quandary would be for the federal government to require all states to recognize marriage licenses from other states ... some do not even with the 'traditional' marriages from other states.

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