Sunday, June 28, 2009

Faux News is at it again

Like clockwork Faux News showed Mark Sanford as a Democrat instead of the repugican that he is when the story of his affair broke after his 'mystery week' in Argentina.

When this was pointed out to the various wing-nuts and other assorted lunatics they responded in typical fashion of drooling baboons that they are, accusing all those who were pointing out the lie as un-American, the liars, etc., and soon and so forth on several forums on the web.

But the best 'calling'em like it is' I have read actually was sent to me via email from a friend. He did not name the author of this citation in his missive, but no matter, a great citation is a great citation:
For the most part, only morons watch Fox News and buy the Rightwing BS that they peddle and believe it to be fact.
There's a definite defect in the right-wing mindset.
Anyone who watches an 800 lb. ahole like Rush Limbaugh (for example) and thinks that the malarkey that he spews has any merit to it is, obviously, in serious need of neuroligical help.
Yet, these pompous imbeciles think that the problem in the U.S. is the left-wing.
Simply put, on Election Day, 2008, Intelligence voted for Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and stupidity voted for John McCain and Joe the Plumber.
Personally speaking, when given the choice between intelligence and stupidity, I always vote for intelligence.
But, getting back to the subject. Fox's audience has become as irrelevent as a pisshole in the snow.
Personally I world have used relevent in lieu of irrelevent as that denotes the relevence of a pisshole in the snow which as one knows is less than nothing. It is a great citation nonetheless.

Now, as to his hiking 'excuse': "I'm getting some Argentinian tail" sounds a lot like "I'm hiking the Appalachian trail", you know.

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