Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gas Prices Have Risen 41 Days in a Row: Is It Good for the Environment?

From Treehugger:

high gas prices photo

Photo: Flickr, CC

How Much Green Mileage Do We Get Out of Pain at the Pump?
The price of gasoline in the US has been going up for 41 straight days (more than the traditional summer increase), bringing the national average to $2.62 a gallon, according to the New York Times. That's still pretty far from the $4/gallon average from last summer, but with crude oil doubling since the beginning of the year and the end of the recession somewhere down the line (who knows when), gas prices are bound to get much higher. While that's not good for people's wallets, the question we're asking today is: What are the implications of higher gas prices on the environment?

Article continues: Gas Prices Have Risen 41 Days in a Row: Is It Good for the Environment?

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