Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Genius of Instinct

Why do we often make the wrong choices and find ourselves in the wrong relationships or in the wrong jobs leaving us unhappy and dissatisfied? What can we do to make the right life choices?

The answers and the solutions to these everyday plights are revealed by today’s “scientists of the mind,” evolutionary psychologists who have discovered stunning new lessons about the power of instincts and their capacity to transform lives from merely surviving to actually thriving in every area of life. Unfortunately, in these modern times, most of us are disconnected from our basic instincts and all too often cautiously rely on our rational mind to cope with life’s challenges. We make all the wrong moves, all the wrong choices and the results are self defeating. We’ve foolishly numbed ourselves to the more essential human trait. Instinctual disconnection spells disaster at home and at work.

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