Sunday, June 28, 2009

HOT is spelled H-O-T-T-T-T

It is 93F outside right now and 93F inside right now!

Why is it always the way ... when the hottest weather hits the Air Conditioner throws up its hands and says "I give up."

Normally this would be no big deal, we would just call or son who wanted to work with his hands and chose HVAC twenty years ago and we would have cool air in a jiffy (or heat if it was cold).

But alas, my son is on vacation (and decided to stay an extra day, tomorrow) so his mother and I are sweating off a few extra pounds and enjoying the warm circulating air from the many fans in the house. Okay, so we aren't exactly 'enjoying it', but it has brought back memories of the time when we did not have air conditioning and why Iced Tea is a Southern Favorite!

We know what you're thinking - why not call someone else? True we could, but we would have to pay them ... with our son we get to keep the grandkids for a week (which is actually more expensive come to think of it) and get to keep our money as well.

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