Thursday, June 11, 2009

Latest Right-Wing Meme: Von Brunn's A Lefty

Where do they keep there heads ... oh, yeah, up their asses.

Have you heard the latest from the wing-nuts ... the right wing terrorist who gunned down a guard at the Holocaust Museum is really a left winger!

The folks over at Talking Points Memo put it this way:

It's hardly been 24 hours since James Von Brunn allegedly walked into the Holocaust Museum and shot museum guard Stephen Johns. But already conservatives from Rush Limbaugh to Red State have started advancing their latest up-is-down meme: Von Brunn -- a white supremacist consumed by hatred of Jews and blacks, who has called for President Obama to release his birth certificate -- isn't really a right-winger -- in fact, he's a lefty.

Read more here.

Damn, fantasy land is really out there isn't it!

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