Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liars and Fools are:
The Faux News edition

Faux's Brick on Obama: "His friends and his nominees and everything, they're all Marxist"
Karl Marx is rolling in his grave at this one - who knew the dead could laugh do hard.

Faux's Brick suggests ACORN founders were inspired by "strategy" to "transform" US "into a socialist-Marxist state"
Again, Karl is spinning from the laughter.

Faux's Brick says Sotomayor appointment is more evidence of a Marxist "hostile takeover" of the U.S.A.
Damn. let the poor man stop spinning - all the laughter is really breaking him up ... literally.

Fox's Brick: "When did we get to the place in America to where we can't have disagreements without demonizing each other?"
Come again?! 1980, if you must know! And your demon(er, saint) ronnie raygun started it all.

Faux talker Peters has a Gitmo solution: Just kill them all
Typical NAZI. 'Nuff said.

Faux Nation baselessly claims Sotomayor "wants to ban guns"
They also claim repugicans are 'normal' people too, so is it surprising their delusions continue?

Faux Sports article on top women athletes includes a horse
Yep, that sounds about right - they can't tell a human from a horse.

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