Monday, June 15, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools for the day include:

McConnell (retard-Kentucky) says he 'really enjoyed' actor Jon Voight's speech claiming Obama might allow 'a new Holocaust'
One must remember Voight's 'break' came when he was a male prostitute in an X-Rated film and Mitch isn't called the 'bitch' for nothing you know.

Obama is leading US to socialism, says Palin
Still clueless as ever I see.

Smith (repressed-New Jersey) says Obama administration is all about killing unborn children and wounding their mothers."
You would think LaLa Land is running low on fruitcakes ... but no!

Murdoch says Obama's policies are "dangerous"
To you and your ilk maybe, but to the rest of the world they aren't.

Gingrich says Obama is anti-Christian
Any sane person is, so what?

Fox's Brick compares car dealership closures to Nazis; warns "Gang, at some point, they're going to come for you"
A Nazi blowing smoke and using mirrors.

Faux Radio airs interview with Christian preacher praying for Obama's death
And this is out of line for Faux News, how? Ok, so we know why - thing is they don't.

Sinclair's Hyman now pushing Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories
Beating a dead horse - you've heard the expression ... now you see it in action.

Dimbulb says "Obama is destroying the United States economy
Nope, that was done over the last eight years before he took office.

Dimbulb pushes birther theory on the same day a birther-believer opens fire at Holocaust Museum
Coincidence - Hardly. The whack-job was most likely listening to Lush's horseshit right before he opened fire.

NewsMax links Obama to Holocaust Museum shooting; "Obama breeds climate of hate against Jews"
This one has me in stitches, doubling over with laughter. Wing nuts breed hate against everything and then try the old smoke and mirrors routine to attempt to fool and otherwise con people into believing they are all things warm and cuddly.

Disney's Savage claims his "very life may be in danger because of this McCarthy-like witch hunt"
Wrong, your life may be in danger because of the hate you spread or and by the way McCarthy was one of your own - a paranoid little prick.

Disney's Savage says Obama is "attacking Israel, attacking Jews and breeding a climate of hate against Jews"
This one has me in stitches, doubling over with laughter. Wing nuts breed hate against everything ... hey, wait a minute, I just said that ...

Washington Times's Gaffney: "There is mounting evidence" that Obama is Muslim
Yep, sure is ... and the man in the moon isn't too happy when the cow 'deposits' every time she jumps over him either.

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