Monday, June 22, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Boortz says "Obama's health care plan is going to end up killing people"
Nope, it is the lack of health care that IS killing people while lining the pockets of a few obscene fools.

Minuteman killer co-hosted 2007 anti-immigration event featuring repugican presidential losers
Why am I not surprised

Pat Boone says "the end of our religious freedom in America could be at hand"
Nope, it is just beginning to be as our nation was founded for - learn your 18th century syntax and modifiers 'of' meant 'from' as in no state sponsored religion of any sort much less 'christian'.

WorldNetDaily's Janet Porter says Obama's "dictatorship" must be stopped or "we'll all lose our lives"
Hyperbole from the fantasy front. Damn those morons really are insane.

WND's Farah says Obama is calling for genocide against Israel
Not even those who are calling for just such a thing believe that horseshit.

Chambliss (reptile-Georgia) thinks the Iranians don't remember the 1953 CIA coup
Oh, they remember all right, but the old pervert from Georgia clearly doesn't.

Hoekstra (retard-Michigan) compares Iranian protests to repugicans in exile
Now there is a leap, a flight of deranged fantasy if you will, if there ever was one ... Hello, Nest, one of your Coo-koos has flown the coop.

McPain weirdly credits ronnie-ray gun for non-existent role in 1968 Prague Spring
The only role that demented sot had was playing fifth fiddle to a chimp ... and badly at that.

House repugicans compare their plight to Iranian protesters
And my aunt Petunia collects combat boots, too.

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