Monday, June 15, 2009

Odd and Ends

There are many odds and ends around this world ... here are some of them:

- A hidden spot in the Smoky Mountains where you can find fireflies that blink in unison

-A 70-year-old house made entirely out of paper

- A giant hole in the middle of the Turkmenistan desert that's been burning for four decades

- A Czech church built of bones

- The world's largest Tesla coil

- A museum filled with the genitals of every known mammal in Iceland

- Enormous concrete sound mirrors once used to detect aircraft off the English coast

- The self-built cathedral of an eccentric Spanish ex-monk

- A museum of Victorian hair art in Independence, Missouri

- An underwater sculpture garden off the coast of Grenada

- Galileo's amputated middle finger

- An island in the Canaries where people communicate by whistling

- The corpse of a 14th-century Japanese monk who mummified himself while he was still alive

And the list goes on and on and on ...

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