Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Praying for god to kill Obama


When are we going to put a stop to these wackos!?

Yes, I'm that much of a murderous asshole - for God, of course

Former Southern Baptist Convention officer Wiley Drake claimed on Faux News Radio that he is praying “imprecatory prayer” against Obama. In other words, he is praying for God to kill President Obama.

Drake said on “The Alan Colmes Show” that unless Obama repents, he is praying that God will kill the president. He believes that is what happened to slain abortion provider George Tiller. It worked on Tiller, why not the president?

To paraphrase Mahatmas Gandhi, 'I like your jesus - I do not like his followers they are so non-jesus like." or as the bumperstickers exclaim "jesus save me from your followers!"

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