Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Science News

Supervolcano may be brewing beneath Mount St Helens

Peering beneath the US volcano suggests that it may be connected to an extraordinarily large zone of semi-molten rock, which would be capable of feeding a giant eruption

Broken dwarf planet may have scarred the moon

The shattered remnants of a dwarf planet may have bombarded the inner planets in the early solar system, suggests a new analysis of craters on the moon

Betelgeuse: The incredible shrinking star?

The red supergiant Betelgeuse would extend to Jupiter if it were put in the sun's place in the solar system. A new study suggests it has shrunk by more than 15 per cent since 1993 (Image: A. Dupree/CFA/R. Gilliland/STScI/NASA/ESA)

New observations suggest the bright red star in the constellation Orion has shrunk by more than 15 per cent since 1993

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