Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tadpoles falling from the sky in Japan?

Dead tadpoles and frogs were found in fields, gardens, a tennis court, and on car roofs near the Japan Sea coast last week. Was this an example of the classic Fortean phenomenon of animals raining from the heavens?

From Discover:
Various objects and animals do occasionally fall from the sky: It’s called “Fafrotskies,” short for “fall from the skies.” These events generally occur when water spouts, storms, and strong winds suck objects from bodies of water and deposit them on land. But because there had been no reports of strong wind, many officials and meteorologists say this explanation can’t explain the torrent of tadpoles.

An alternative explanation is that birds who eat tadpoles and fish carried the animals in their mouths, then dropped them while flying. Still, some bird experts say that if this had happen, the tadpole carnage would have covered a more sizable area.

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