Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What they are saying

We really need to check our InBox more often. If we did we'd find these comments more often - and they make us fell all warm and fuzzy when we do.

From around the world:

It is a pleasure to read your blog. - Sheffield, England

I like this blog. - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Great blog...thoughtful and insightful. - Bangor, Maine

I think it's the best site for news and science. - Jakarta, Indonesia

Thank you for a wonderful blog. - Paris, France

Thank you very much for your blog, it is interesting and comprehensive. - Durban, South Africa

This blog has been a daily read for me for two years now. - Sydney, Australia

I like having something new to read every day and you deliver. - Tacoma, Washington

Thank you for your blog. The news and science clips are wonderful. -Prague, Czech Republic

A world perspective, locally I can't get enough. - Charlotte, North Carolina

You have been at the top of my blog list ever since a friend turned me on to Carolina Naturally. - Hamilton, Ontario

Your blog is a wonderful breath of common sense on the web. - Cork, Ireland

We're all enjoy your insight. - Gothenburg, Sweden

Many interesting things here. - Beijing, China

Hard hitting and offbeat at the same time - masterfully done. - Wellington, New Zealand

Good work. - Kathmandu, Nepal

This blog has opened my eyes - Paducah, Kentucky


Thanks folks and remember our second birthday is only fourteen days away - the party will be huge!

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