Thursday, July 9, 2009

Climate Change too Abstract For You? Dengue Fever Could Spread to 28 U.S. States

From Treehugger:

In red are counties that have one of the 2 Dengue mosquito vector species. Blue are are vulnerable areas. Image: NRDC

That's Pretty Concrete and Scary
Matthew recently wrote a post about the climate change induced expansion of the tropics and the consequences of it. One of the main ones is the Northward movement of certain tropical diseases. The NRDC has just released a report on the subject (subtitle: "Mosquitoes Known to Spread Dengue Fever Now Found in More than Half of US States"), and it shows that 28 US states are at risk of being affected by Dengue Fever. Trust us, it's not a fun disease to have; in fact, TreeHugger founder Graham Hill got it while in South-America and he shares his experience below.

Article continues: Climate Change too Abstract For You? Dengue Fever Could Spread to 28 U.S. States

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