Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Dimbulb Spews

Dimbulb Spews:

Is Lush Dimbulb trying to encourage a military coup against Obama?

Dimbulb on hate crimes bill: Everybody but "blacks and homosexuals" "can get to the back of the bus"
Don't you just love it when Haters speak on 'hate'!

Dimbulb: Gambian president who claims to have AIDS cure "sounds just like Obama"
This pervert is an idiot ... it is yet to be seen if the Gambian president's claims are in fact reality or just wishful thinking, but Lush will always be an idiot.

Dimbulb: Obama administration creating chaos so people "will sign up for your agenda"
Spreading chaos was the cabal's shtick and you keep trying to keep it up.

Dimbulb: Obama led Dems "into doing everything he could to ensure the defeat of the US military"
Nope, you Dope

Dimbulb: "You can legalize rape and call it the Civil Rights Act of 2009, it would probably pass"
Got a young boy in mind, there Lush?

After airing clip of Obama praising US troops in Iraq, Dimbulb says: "This is a guy who sought their defeat"
Lies and Treason are all the idiot spews ... when is his prison term for treason going to commence?!

Dimbulb: "I don't know" where Obama was born, "supposedly Hawaii"
Since you don't know where your own ass is - this surprises no one.

Dimbulb is way ahead of us, already complaining about Obama's third term
Wouldn't be a bad thing - but thanks to the repugicans during McCarthy's regin of terror a third term will never be ... which was a good thing where the world is concerned when the repugicans stole the office for the past eight years.

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