Monday, July 6, 2009

Dog saves owner from attacker

A miniature Schnauzer named Rupert came to its owner's rescue after someone attempts to attack her.

"By nature I don't want to say vicious, but he's over protective of us", says the victim, who did not want to be identified.

Rupert was the only thing standing between his owner and 47-year-old Walter Stowe.

Police say Stowe had walked up the woman's driveway on Lightspun Lane in North Charlotte; he was sweating and asked for water.

The woman having just come from church was happy to help. "So I came inside locked the door behind me and then went into the garage and got the bottled water," says the victim.

As soon as she opened the door to give Stowe the water he allegedly forced his way in.

"When he came in that's when he grabbed me by my hair pounded me on my head a few times and I hit the floor," she says.

That's when Rupert sprang into action.

"I was hollering for my dog's name Rupert, Rupert, come help....and Rupert was biting on him," says the victim.

The man let go for a moment and she tried to run to the door, but the suspect grabbed her by the hair again and Rupert attacked again.

"When he hit me the 2nd time and I went down hollering and screaming that's when the dog bit him and that's when he let go of me," she says.

This time the woman was able to get a neighbor to get help.

Police arrested Stowe.

The woman fears he would have raped her or worse.

"If it wasn't for Rupert, I truly believe he would have succeeded what he was coming in for."

Just like any hero, Rupert was given a reward.

He was allowed to eat pizza for dinner.

Rupert is 12 years old, not young in dog years, but obviously still active.

Stowe was charged with burglary, kidnapping and assault.

Police say he has a history of mental illness and escaped from the home where he was being kept. Officers also say he's been arrested for assault before, but this is the first time he has gotten in trouble in 9 years.

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