Monday, July 6, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools:

repugican chimp Steele says Democrats can now "basically hijack elections at their whim"
Nope, they allow the voters to vote. It is the repugicans who 'hijack' elections because the truth, facts and numbers are forever against them

Scheuer: Obama doesn't care 'about protecting this country'
Well, for someone who 'doesn't care' he's done a far better job protecting this country than the Align Centersquatter ever dared hope to try, much less did.

Obama is worse than Adolf Hitler and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, says arch-right wog Kaloogian
Hey, Kallogian, you need to stop staring at the mirror when you spew.

Boortz: "global warming scam" is "an effort by the left to destroy capitalist economies"
Damn, it must be horrid to be so delusional.

Cuntler's latest murderous thought: "I am personally opposed to shooting abortionists, but I don't want to impose my moral values on others."
So, she's all for murder - something we knew already - so long as someone else does the work ... typical repugican.

Hill advances claim that Obama is "siding" with Chavez and Cuba
Nope, but that fact obviously does not register in the minds (pardon me, the absent minds) of the troglodyte faithful.

Levin labels Obama's policies "Bernie Madoff times a thousand. He is taking a wrecking ball to this society"
Wrong the 'wrecking ball' was ousted last November.

National Review's Sowell warns of nuclear attack, America under Sharia law
It is obvious the idiot neither understands nor comprehends either the 'threat' of attack or Sharia law.

Quinn says Franken election was "stolen," ACORN played a role
Nope, it was prevented from being stolen by the people and the court.

Disney's Savage says Media Matters would've "been very comfortably ensconced in the Stalinist period" in the USSR
Wrong, but Savage would have been - the Stalinist he is.

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