Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Faux Nation: Obama's census castrates Caucasians
Funny, I am not castrated.

Faux Nation calls new climate bill "treason"
This from that pack of traitors - my sides hurt from the laughter!

Faux Nation highlights op-ed claiming "Obama's census castrates caucasians"
Still not castrated ... what bunch of morons.

Ex-CIA spy Michael Scheuer tells Faux's Brick that America's only hope is for Osama bin Laden to "deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States"
Why this traitor isn't behind bars yet, is a puzzle

Faux's Morris warns that the "Declaration of Independence has been repealed"
It was - for the last eight years - but it has been restored.

Faux's Brick: What this country needs is a good terrorist attack!
Again, why is this traitor not behind bars?

Faux's Brick asks, "Why did we buy Alaska in the 1950s?"
What an idiot! Not only gets the wrong decade but the wrong century.

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