Sunday, July 12, 2009

Liars and Fools

Today's Liar and Fool is:

Paul Broun Ignores Stats, Claims Public Option for Health Care "Is Gonna Kill People"

In a speech on the House floor Friday afternoon, Paul Broun (retard-GA) attacked the idea of a public health care plan, saying “this program of ‘government option’ is being touted as being the panacea, the savior of allowing people to have quality health care at an affordable price is gonna kill people.”

He used Canada and the United Kingdom as examples against the public option, claiming that those countries “don’t have the appreciation of life as we do in our society.” What is typical of politicians and many Americans who use such arguments, is that they don't do any homework.

Oh, and doesn't Broun have, ahem, publicly funded healthcare of his own?

Statistically, both Canada and the U.K. have longer lifespans and lower infant mortality rates than ours.

Full Story

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