Monday, July 20, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today are:

DeMint (retard-South Carolina) says US government is fascist
It was during the shrub error, not so any longer and the Fascists don't like it.

MSNBC's Buchanan thinks white men deserve so much more
To tell the truth, we do ... and so does any 'other demographic' that is willing to work to obtain it. No one deserves a 'free ride'.

MSNBC's Buchanan still ranting about Sotomayor's purported "lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males"
Paddy ol'boy you missed the boat on this, so stop crying on the dock.

Radio host Cunningham advocates "beating the hell outta" homeless people with "a big old cane, Singapore-style"
Only if he 'volunteers' to be the practice dummy - he already has the 'dummy' part down pat.

At top of radio show, CNN's Dobbs repeatedly says Obama needs to "produce a birth certificate"
No matter how many times you beat a dead horse, he won't get up and win the Derby for you.

Dimbulb repeats claim that Obama was "raised by communists," claims Dems "out to destroy the private sector"
And as usual the fat pig has it wrong - that was the shrub and cabal's desires ... and were more in line with 'communist' philosophy than the current (and legitimately elected) administration.

Disney's Savage declares that Obama, Pelosi, Axelrod, Emanuel, Waxman and "others" want "absolute power over your life"
Wrong. That was the core desire of the shrub and the cabal.

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