Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools - The Faux News edition:

Faux's Varney: Obama and Congress are "essentially socialists
Again, a wing-nut fails to understand the definition of what a 'socialist' is.

Faux's O'Really claims media using Goebbels tactics to push "propaganda," left trying to "knock out Judeo-Christian traditions"
I see Swill is channeling Josef (Goebbels) again ... using the old smoke and mirrors - and failing - accusing everyone else of what he is doing.

Faux's Handjob calls in to Faux to declare Obama's "Soviet-style" health care will "destroy capitalism"
"Calling" in to himself ... talk about schizophrenic.

Ingrate puts crosshairs on Planned Parenthood: What are these people at Faux thinking?
And she still misses by a country mile.

Faux's Brick: "The president is a Marxist" who is "setting up a class system"
Look up the definition of a 'marxist' before opening mouth. Oh, and that 'setting up a class system' thing that was done over the centuries by the wealthy to keep their wealth and only until the recent past has that been somewhat rectified - and the wealthy and their troglodyte faithful lap dogs continue to seek to restore it ... the shrub and cabal tried to re-institute it, but we would not let them.

Faux's Brick on European health care: "How many times do they have to goose-step" before we decide not to follow them
So, stop goosestepping you Nazi.

Faux's Brick warns: "The ACORNS of the world" are not "about voter registration," but "riots, planned riots"
As ever the wing-nuts don't want people to vote - it makes it harder for them to steal elections when more people vote.

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