Monday, July 27, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools today include:

Huckabee to attend birther conference
All the crazies in one spot - there won't be a better opportunity ...

Operation Rescue founder warns of 'violent convulsions' if health bill doesn't ban abortions.
More Treason! It's time to start putting these idiots in prison.

Founder of Free Republic calls for overthrow of US government
Still, More Treason!

CNN's Dobbs continues giving birther lunacy a national platform
This is the moron that thought a wall along the Mexican border was a great idea.

CNN's Dobbs wonders whether President Obama is undocumented
And we wonder how tight his tin-foil hat is.

Liddy hosts Jerome Corsi to promote Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories
Talk about Liars and Fools -this liar and fool should still be in prison for treason from Watergate!

Liddy falsely claims there is a "sworn statement from the stepgrandmother" saying Obama was born in Kenya
Lying Traitor - enough said.

Obama wants to kill old white people, says NewsMax
While there are some old white people that we all would like to see dead (they're called repugicans), there are not plans at this current time.

WorldNetDaily is still trying to claim Obama's birth certificate is forgery
OK, reality is not even a suit of World Net Daily much less a strong suit.

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