Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Faux News asks if Obama health plan puts us "one step closer to the United Socialist States of America"
One step further away from the Socialist state the shrub tried to force upon us, actually.
When are we going to put these ignorant traitors behind bars

Faux continues promoting birther lawsuit while ignoring red flags indicating it's a hoax
Non-acceptance of reality is the hallmark of insanity.

Faux Nation again posts birther story with picture of Obama in Somali clothes
And poorly photoshopped as well.

Faux's Brick has a meltdown arguing against national health insurance
Has a meltdown? He is a meltdown.

Faux's Brick: "modern day slave state" being constructed out of ACORN, SEIU, student loans, census and service initiatives
Baffled by his own bullshit, I see.

Faux's Brick: "The health care bill is reparations. It's the beginning of reparations"
This moron is too funny.

Rehashing the 'news'

Faux News military analyst calls for execution of American held by Taliban
Treason and Desertion of a fellow American of the highest order.

Record of Faux military analyst shows pattern of looniness
There is a reason this nut is not in the military and he keeps re-proving it over and over.

Faux's Brick likes to bring his gun to the movies
Just like the insane pervert that he is he brags on breaking the law

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