Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Treason From The Wing-Nuts

This idiot is insane and delusional ...

Jim DeMint (retard-SC) stands by his comment that health care will be President Obama's Waterloo, a comment Obama derided in a health care speech yesterday.

"I think he played right into my hands," DeMint told Neil Cavuto on Faux News this afternoon, adding that Obama's frequent appearances over the last several days show a level of desperation. "Any time the president of the United States goes after a freshman senator, he's losing his grip a little bit."

He insisted his comments weren't about politics, but renewed his call to block the president's reform attempts.

"We've gotta stop him. We cannot let him roll over us," DeMint said.


No one is playing into your hands you fool - being called to task for one's lunacy is not 'playing into your hands', it is pointing out what a truly fucked up individual you are.

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