Thursday, July 23, 2009

Osama bin Laden's son likely killed in Pakistan

Osama bin Laden's son likely killed — report

The Taliban leader's son reportedly died after a U.S. missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year.

One of Osama bin Laden's sons may have been killed by a US missile strike in Pakistan earlier this year, National Public Radio reported.

Saad bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader's third-oldest son, is "believed" to have been killed by Hellfire missiles fired from a US Predator drone "sometime this year," the US broadcaster said on its website, AFP reported.

US spy agencies are "80 to 85 percent" sure that Saad bin Laden is dead, a senior counter-terrorism official told NPR, while acknowledging that it was difficult to be completely sure without a body on which DNA tests could be conducted.


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