Monday, July 13, 2009

Scientists search for a 3-foot, spitting earthworm

A massive earthworm is terrifying folks in the Palouse region of the northwestern United States.

OK, well maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but researchers are spending the summer seeking a mysterious, legendary 3-foot spitting worm in the rural areas from Washington to Idaho.

From the Associated Press:
The worm is said to secrete a lily-like smell when handled, spit at predators, and live in burrows 15 feet deep. There have only been four sightings.

But scientists hope to change that this summer with researchers scouring the Palouse regoin in hopes of finally finding the giant earthworm. Conservationists also want the Obama administration to protect it as an endangered species, even though there is scant scientific information about its existence.

"It absolutely exists," insisted Jodi Johnson-Maynard, a University of Idaho professor who is leading the search for the worm.

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