Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wing Nut Yammering and Flap Doodle

Wing Nuts just keep on yammering!

Jeb Bush: 'I don't know' if Obama is a socialist
Not surprising he IS the Shrub's brother after all ... stupidity runs in the family.

DeMint (retard-South Carolina) says America is 'where Germany was before World War II'
Nope, we're moving past that era after the last eight years of Nazi occupation.

Faux's O'Really Factor guest host Ingrate runs graphic with crosshairs over Planned Parenthood logo
Just a Nazi being a Nazi - promoting murder and calling it 'pro-life' however it is correctly called anti-choice.

Faux's Handjob says Palin faced a double standard: 'Obama never got asked tough questions about his radical friends'
Now, I know this idiot is completely insane, but this is beyond the pale.

"We're conservative," she said. "We don't spend money we don't have."
Yeah, and I'm a interstellar explorer from the planet wango-tango, too.

Wingnuts claim evil liberals shut down station
Oh, the boogie man, Oh the boogie man coming to get me ... this is just too stupid.

Broun (retard-Georgia) says public option in health care would kill Americans
Already commented on this sick joke in an earlier post

Former shrub 'domestic policy czar' Karl Rove now rips czars as a 'giant expansion of presidential power'
This is just too funny

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