Thursday, August 27, 2009

Armenian Defense Minister threatens Azerbaijan with war

Armenia is ready not only to defend itself, but also to take “prophylactic measures” if necessary. Asked if he meant attack, the minister said: “Why not? There may be an attack and counterattack to defend the civilians from the horrors of war.” Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan said in his interview to Armenian Public Television, APA reports quoting Novosti Armenia.

Armenia and Azerbaijan waged a war over the mountainous region of Karabakh in the early 1990s, which claimed some 30,000 lives and displaced about one million Azerbaijanis. Armenia has been occupying over 20 percent of Azerbaijan`s internationally-recognized territory since then. The ceasefire accord was signed in 1994, but peace talks, mediated by the U.S., Russia and France through the OSCE Minsk Group, have been fruitless so far, and sporadic clashes on the frontline continue.

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