Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dutch government tries to stop 13-year-old girl from sailing around world solo

Laura Dekker, age 13, wants to sail around the world by herself in a 25-foot boat, and her parents support her.

However, Social workers in the Netherlands have stepped in to try to make Laura a ward of the court, which would prevent the parents from allowing her to do it.
Laura had a yacht by the age of six and began sailing solo when she was 10.

"Since I was 10 years old, I've known that I would like to sail around the world," she told Dutch television.

"I want simply to learn about the world and to live freely."

Dutch bid to thwart young sailor

Teen fights to sail globe solo

A 13-year-old girl is in a legal battle to be the youngest to sail alone around the world.

Current record-holder

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