Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's the repugicans that are Gunning for Grandma

It's the repugicans that are out to get Granny.

It was Grassley himself who devised the "Throw Mama From the Train" provision of the repugican's 2001 tax cut.
The estate-tax revision he championed will reduce the estate tax to zero next year.
But when it expires at year's end, the tax will jump back up to its previous level of 55 percent.

's exploding tax break has an entirely foreseeable, if unintended, consequence: it incentivizes ailing, elderly rich people to end their lives—paging Dr. Kevorkian—before midnight on Dec. 31, 2010. It also gives their children an incentive to sign DNR orders and switch off respirators in time for the deadline.

This would be a great plot for a P. D. James novel if it weren't an actual piece of legislation

Full Story

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