Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Liars and Fools: The Faux News edition

Multimillionaire Brick upset about minimum wage hike
Cry me a river.

Faux's Brick says "Cash for Clunkers" program allows government to takeover your computer
Hello, where have you been? They've been doing that for years already (especially the last eight of them).

Faux's Brick caps off week of race-baiting by calling Obama a "racist"
Projecting your self image again Glenn ol'boy?

Faux's Brick: Obama has "exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
Again with the mirror projection.

Faux's Brick: Obama supports "racist policy" of Affirmative Action
While I believe everyone should 'make it' own their own merits - Affirmation Action isn't a "racist policy" in and of itself, the initial concept was to 'level the field' so ALL could make it or break it own their own with the same opportunities to do so, however like most things humans are involved in it has not lived up to it's mandate in a true leveling of the field kind of way ... it has overstepped and provided those not capable of 'making it' on their own merits with more opportunities and pushed those not able to do it on their own ahead of those that could simply due to skin color (there is only one 'race' - the Human Race), sex, etc.
No one should be advanced simply because of their skin color, gender, or any other 'classification'.
Supporting Affirmative Action as it was meant to be was a good thing.

Faux's Brick: Obama has "a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture"
More projecting, Glenn?

After claiming "a lot of rumors" are "going out there" about Obama administration's secret plan to deny health treatment to elderly, Faux & Friends advances those false rumors
Speaking with forked tongues again are we?

Fuzzy math: O'Really says higher Canadian life expectancy is "to be expected" because "we have 10 times as many people"
OK, Swill let's start slow 1 plus 1 equals 2 ...

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