Monday, August 31, 2009

Liars and Fools

Liars and Fools

Faux's Brick claims Obama's proposals amount to "what Hitler did with the SS" and "what Saddam Hussein" did
Nope, that is what the shrub did with Blackwater.

The repugicans sent out a mailer suggesting that apublic option health plan could be used to deny medical treatment to repugicans
So They're lying in print ... nothing new here.

James Inhofe (reject - Oklahoma) tells a town hall that "We're almost reaching a revolution in this country"
Nope, we were at that point back on election day last November and if the true winner of the election was not named the winner then there would have been a true revolution in this country.

Faux's Michael Scheuer Complains that Obama is "giving aid and comfort to the enemy"
What aid to what enemy?

Wally Herger (reptile - California) says a stranger that described himself as "a right-wing terrorist" must be "a great American"
And you wonder why they laugh at us around the world?!

Some whack-job wing nut running for Governor of Idaho 'jokes' about assassinating the President
Last time I checked that was Treason, bucko!

Lush Dimbulb screams that we need to save our penises from President Obama
Not worried about mine there Lush ol'boy, maybe you should pull yours out of that central American peasant boy if you are so worried about it.

Repugican Chairwimp Michael Steele claims that the Veterans Administration is encouraging vets to commit suicide
Spoken like a true stark raving mad lunatic ... oh, wait that is what he is - my bad ... please continue with what ever you were doing.

Faux News claims Obama is using a “death book” to encourage veterans to “pull the plug” and die
Oh, like we so don't care what Faux News claims.

Faux's Brick screeching that "You are about to lose your freedom of speech"
Wrong, he is though as more 'advertisers' pull out from his "show".

Lush Dimbulb lying that the Obama administration will "wage war against American citizens"
Nope, that was the shrub and the cabal who did that ... and failed.

Lush is still accusing Obama of "fascism"
And he still has no clue as to what the word means.

Dimbulb lies and says that the Obama administration is "doing the bidding of terrorists"
Again, what bidding, what terrorists?

Disney's Savage delusionally rants that the ACLU "will kill us all if they're not stopped"
And how many countries are you banned from now, there Michael?

Faux's Handjob says "National socialism is very much what we see today in this administration"
And yet another wing nut who has no grasp on the meaning of a word.

Peter King (retard - New York) questioning the patriotism of Attorney General Eric Holder
Why? For having the temerity to investigate the crimes of the shrub and the cabal?

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