Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

One Detroit brand dominates the top 10 list of cars destroyed under "cash for clunkers."

The most traded-in 'clunkers'

They're not known as "found on road dead" or "fix or repair daily" or "fucked over rebuilt Dodge" for nothing you know ...

The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers Trade-Ins:

1. 1998 Ford Explorer

2. 1997 Ford Explorer

3. 1996 Ford Explorer

4. 1999 Ford Explorer

5. Jeep Grand Cherokee

6. Jeep Cherokee

7. 1995 Ford Explorer

8. 1994 Ford Explorer

9. 1997 Ford Windstar

10. 1999 Dodge Caravan


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