Sunday, August 2, 2009

Repugicans HATE America and everything it stands for

Long time readers know of the farm that the Mrs., and I run. I haven't posted anything about it in a long while, though.

It is going along rather well even with the economy as it is - not raking in huge wads of cash mind you, but more than we actually planned on ... it seems local 'homegrown' veggies go over big these days and milk straight from the udder in in high demand.

That and because being smart and investing our money anywhere but the in United States for the error that was the eight years of the shrub junta we are doing far better than any idiot that invested in the US during that lost time. Now ... is the time to invest in America - and it has always been so ... when the Democrats control the government more people make more money, when repugicans pervert the government more people lose more money (or all of their money).

The math proves this beyond any argument (at least with anyone with a brain, so that leaves out repugicans). In the years between the Great Depression and the current - even worse - Depression both 'parties' controlled the government for about 40 years each. If you invested $10,000.00 the day after the crash in 1929 and left in invested only during repugican control you would have $52,000.00 after 40 years. If you invested that same $10,000.00 and let it remain invested only during Democratic control of the government you would have in excess of $350,000.00.

So simple honest math tells you to in vest in America now. However repugicans are howling for you not to. Repugicans HATE America and everything it stands for.

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