Friday, August 28, 2009

The Truth Is, We're All Raging Liars

Some of us aren't ...
As Americans, we like to think we value the truth. Time and time again, public-opinion polls show that honesty is among the top five characteristics we want in a leader, friend, or lover; the world is full of woeful stories about the tragic consequences of betrayal. At the same time, deception is all around us. We are lied to by government officials and public figures to a disturbing degree; many of our social relationships are based on little white lies we tell each other. We deceive our children, only to be deceived by them in return. And the average person, says psychologist Robert Feldman, the author of a new book on lying, tells at least three lies in the first 10 minutes of a conversation. "There's always been a lot of lying," says Feldman, whose new book, The Liar in Your Life, came out this month. "But I do think we're seeing a kind of cultural shift where we're lying more, it's easier to lie, and in some ways it's almost more acceptable."
Actually it is unacceptable to lie regardless. And for those of us that speak only the truth lying is so abhorrent it is despised with a passion that most will never know. However always speaking the truth does have its drawbacks - like the liars all gathering up to campaign against the honesty with even more lies ... being shunned by the liars who are afraid they will be caught in their lies (and the will be) ... the list goes on, but not too much fur

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