Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dimbulb Spews

Dimbulb ranting "Obama is ruining my self-esteem. It's two days in a row, now, that I'm feeling really small.
I'm feeling worthless. I'm feeling like I have no purpose and no meaning to my life, and it's all because of Obama."
Well, Lush if you fell so bad why don't you just do the 'right' thing ...

Dimbulb lying and says Obama is "surrendering" the U.S. to "the global powers"
What and to whom is he 'surrendering' to there Lush, Ol'boy?

Lush lies again and claims Obama's policies are fascism, socialism, liberal, progressive, "whatever you want to call them",
Can't get it correct so you just spew them all, eh, Dimbulb?

Dimbulb continues lying saying Obama is "gonna show the rest of the world how to rip us and how to tear us apart"
Nope, Lush, you and your fellow troglodytes have all ready done that job all too well.

Lush lies yet again saying "in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering"
Just a little race-baiting there again you racist prick?!

Dimbulb taking race-baiting to puzzling extremes
This fat pustule is disgusting.

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